Monday 19 November 2018

Maze Game and Flappy Bird Codes

Maze Game Presentation
Flappy Bird Presentation

During these few sessions with Miss Anderson I have learn many coding techniques for example. I have learnt by putting different blocks in you can make the sprites of the game move forward, left, right or even make them go past a enemy. Also on the flappy bird game you could change the backgrounds and even the grounds to different sceneries.

I learnt that you can set your background to what ever you want. 


Sunday 4 November 2018

Chocolate Cake

Chocolate Cake 

Ingredients - 
2 cups of flour
2 teaspoons of baking powder
1/2  cup of oil
1 cup of sugar
1 cup of milk
1/4 cup of cocoa
1 egg

1. Combine all ingredients and mix well
2.Scoop mixture into baking tray
3. Bake at 180 for 15 minutes

Sunday 28 October 2018

Chocolate Muffin With Lemon Cream

Today, Te harangi and l I learnt how to create a set of chocolate muffins along with a side of lemon cream!


1 cup of self raising flour
1 cup of sugar
1/2 cup of oil
1 cup of milk
1 egg
1/4 cup of coco

Lemon Cream Ingredients 
- Cream
- lemon
- 1 tsp sugar
- 1 tsp of vanilla essence


1.Combine all dry ingredients into a bowl and mix well
2.Combine all wet ingredients into a different bowl and mix well
3. Combine all ingredients and mix well
4. Scoop mixture into muffin tray
5.Bake a 180 for 15 minutes

Lemon Cream Method 
1.Mix cream, lemon, sugar, vanilla into a bowl.
2. Mix until cream is thick.
3. Apply lemon cream of your muffin.

Friday 26 October 2018

Ham Burgers

Ham Burgers

(Serves 2)
4 Buns 
1 tomato 
1 onion 
3 pieces of bacon 
Teaspoon of butter 
Vegetable oil

Method -
1. Pour vegetable oil into pan and preheat at 90 degrees.
2.Cut onion, tomato and bacon into small pieces on a chopping board.
3.Shape mince into a patty shape and lay it in a plate.
4.When finished, put your mince patty into heated pan and continue to flip patty until cooked.
5.After the patty is cooked, put diced onions into the pan and cook for 5 minutes.
6. Put buns with cheese on(Optional) into the oven for 5 minutes.
7.Put your cooked patties and onion onto a plate,and apply your sliced bacon into the heated pan.
8. After 5 minutes, grab toasted buns from oven and combine your toasted buns with your cooked patties, sliced bacon and diced onion's.
9.Add lettuce, sliced tomato, and mayo (optional sauces) into your buns. So you should have a combination of buns, cheese, patties, bacon, sliced onion, sliced tomato,lettuce, mayo. Although you can add extras if you want.
10.Design your burger however you like and enjoy your homemade meal (:

Thursday 25 October 2018


Pancake Recipe 

Dry Ingredients: 

1 cup of flour
2 table spoons of sugar
2 teaspoon's of baking powder
1 teaspoon of salt

Wet Ingredients:

1 egg
1 cup of milk
2 tablespoon's of vegetable oil


Step 1 
In a large bowl(1), mix flour , sugar, baking powder and salt
Step 2
Mix the combination of milk, egg, vegetable oil  into another bowl(2) and mix well
Step 3 
Make a well in the center of bowl 1 and pour the mixture of wet ingredients from bowl 2 into bowl 1 and mix until smooth.
Step 4
Turn on your stove, and heat your frying pan over medium high heat
Step 5 
Scoop batter from mixture and pour it into the frying pan. Wait 5 minutes and flip the pancakes. fry until both sides of the pancake look golden brown.
Step 6
Serve and Enjoy you pancakes,  but don't forget to clean your mess

Thursday 18 October 2018

Tuna Pasta

Today, April and I have learned and experienced how to cook tuna pasta. In my perspective today i have learned the measurements of ingredients in order to create a meal of tuna pasta, along with the new knowledge i have received today id say i was fun.

Ingredients -
2 cup of water
50g of cheese
1 onion

White Sauce Ingredient -
1/2 cup of flour
1 onion
50g butter
2 cups of milk


White Sauce - 
1. Dice onion's as preparation
2.Melt butter in sauce pan
3.Stir in the flour and cook for 1-2 minutes
4. Add milk into sauce pan and stir until all the milk has absorbed
5.Add dice onions into sauce pan and stir well
6. Mix until the sauce becomes thick and shiny and mix well

Tuna Pasta - 
1. Add pasta into boiled pot an boil until soft
2. Drain pasta and insert it into a bowl
3. Add sauce into the bowl along and mix.
3. Continue to add tuna into a bowl and mix well
4. Add diced onions and cheese into the mixture and mix well
5. Put mixture in a baking dish and bake for 15-20

French Toast

French Toast! 

Wet Ingredients:                       
4 Eggs
1/4 Milk
1/2 cup maple syrup (Optional)

Dry Ingredients 
4 tablespoons of butter
8 slices of bread

Method -
Step 1:  Whisk 4 eggs and ½ cup  of milk into a bowl and mix well.
Step 2: Slice bread into two even pieces - Each group must have 8 pieces of white bread.
Step 3: Dip bread into mixture and also remember to line it on a chopping board.

Step 4: Fry bread in pan until the french toast look's golden brown and then flip french toast.
Step 5: Place the french toast into a plate, and serve with golden syrup(Optional).
Step 6 : It is always important to remember to clean your mess and also enjoy your creation.