Wednesday 9 August 2017

If a were a prime minister for a day

If I were prime minister for a day I would like to help the children that are in needs and give them something that others have but they don’t. For example food, clothes, uniform if their parents are unable to afford it. I would help charities and also help the communities. I would  make sure that families are covered and warm. I would want things to change but for the right reasons. These would be things I would do if I were a prime minister for a day

If I was Prime Minister for a day......

If I was Prime minister for a day I would make sure that the government is up and running.I don’t know if I should change anything because it’s only for one day. If I changed it , it would be to make sure that people are getting along and making sure that the world/country would be in peace.  And making sure that no one has war in the country/World.
This is the Prime Minister of New Zealand

If I Were Prime Minister For A Day

If i were prime minister for a day the first thing i would do is find a cure for cancer , Cancer is a disease That can cause death .  But it effects devastation and pain to family's  .
Image result for cancer
There would be alot of changes considering I would get a cure  for cancer , Give schools equipment , Give hospitals more medical things , also i would make New Zealand War free and stress free . I would support other countries and also help people with their needs along with their lives .  So there are many things i would do for the world , just for the world to become a better place for everyone , not just me .